Seminars in Germany

Seminars online

Seminars abroad


Seminars in Germany:

The Discipline of Authentic Movement

This is the invitation to offer space and time and compassionate conscious awareness to your moving body and to your experience during and after moving. This is the invitation to deepen into your experience as much as is appropriate for you. This is the invitation for your inner witness to unfold towards being a reliable compassionate presence.

In a safe space we can follow the impulses of our body, we follow the movement from within. Our potential for seeing clearly unfolds from that ground as well as our potential for directly speaking the experience, after moving.

Our deep longing to be seen as we are and our deep longing to see clearly, both can be met and both can evolve in this seminar.

The development of the inner witness is at the core of the Discipline of Authentic Movement. A compassionate presence of the inner witness means to consciously relate to oneself, to the other, to the collective, to the Numinous.

The Discipline of Authentic Movement is an embodied awareness practice.

The seminars are open for all levels of experience with the Discipline of Authentic Movement; if you do not have any experience with this practice I recommend, to meet me in my practice, on the phone or on Skype to find out, if a seminar in my practice could suit you.

The tuition can be higher as indicated below if the number of participants is small.

One Day

June 22, 2024

Praxis Parkstrasse 7

38102 Braunschweig, Germany

tuition: 120 Euros


Turning Inwards


August 29 – September 1, 2024

 Parkstrasse 7, 38102 Braunschweig, Germany

430, – Euros


Seminars online:

   One Day


Autumn 2024, date still open


Seminars abroad:

Authentic Movement and Therapeutic Presence

Part 2

 March 15 – 19, 2024

Uzupis, Vilnius, Litauen


The Nervous System

November 8-14, 2024

Uzupis, Vilnius, Lithuania